Wednesday, February 11, 2009


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Sagada is located 275 kms north of Manila. This place is known for the hanging coffins of the locals. This place is rapidly being known in the Philippines to because it is being highly recommended by all those who have visited the place. Another thing which makes Sagada very much popular is because you can enjoy not just the scenery but also the the different activities you can find in here such as trekking, exploring caves, swimming in the waterfalls, bonefires, picnics, rapellings and visiting historical sites. You can even participate in the tribal celebrations of the local people. Since this place is now a tourist destination, you'll have no hard time in finding guides for your exploration in the area.

How to Enjoy your visit in Sagada?

Since there are lots of activities you can do, try planning for a specific activity and make sure to accomplish this. For example, if you are fond of mountain climbing such as I am. Be sure to bring your stuff for hiking especially if you are with your friends with the same interest. In this way, you will more likely to enjoy your stay in this wonderful place.

How did I discover Sagada?

All my friends who have been to Sagada are all encouraging me to visit this place. Even in different sites i can see them planning for a trip and encouraging their friends to come with them. Thats the time when I decided to set a date of my own and invite all my close friends.

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